
✅IRIS is a genus of 260-300 species of flowering plants with striking flowers. Iris is a genus of monocotyledonous plants from the iris family. Its name comes from the Greek word for rainbow, which is also the name for the Greek goddess of the rainbow, Iris.

Description: The iris is a perennial flower probably originating from southern France and Italy and can grow to a height of 30-100 cm.

The Florentine iris is very often associated with the German iris, due to their similar origin, which is not entirely clear. These species not only have a similar appearance and coloration of flowers, but also cosmetic effects, composition and fragrance. Inflorescences are mainly blue-violet, rarely white and appear from May to June.

 We learn from history that the ancient Egyptians saw this flower as a symbol of life and resurrection. After a successful fight, the French used it to weave victory wreaths. Christians depicted the Virgin Mary with a bouquet of irises. Healing power is associated with the figure of the King of Gods and Men, Lord of Eternity, God of the Dead, Soil, Water, Vegetation and Ruler of the Underworld - Usir. This fact influenced the Egyptian pharaoh Thutmose I (*1504 – †1492 BC), king of the 18th dynasty, who generously decorated his residence in the capital Thebes with these flowers. Similarly, murals depicting iris flowers adorn temples, notably the Temple of Amun at Karnak.


✅Extracts from the rhizome of iris or essential oil obtained by steam distillation of dried and ground parts of the root are often used in cosmetics.

✅Iris essential oil has a slightly floral scent and can be similar to that of violets.

✅Iris root contains, for example, myristic acid, flavonoids, triterpenes or a high amount of starch.

✅Iris has no contraindications.

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