
COFFEE (Coffee or coffee beans) is an evergreen tropical plant native to the mountain forests of Ethiopia, but its origin is still disputed between Yemenis and Abyssinians. It first spread to Arabia and then to other countries, mostly Brazil, all of South America and Asia. Coffee plantations have not changed much to this day, bushes or low trees are maintained by pruning to allow manual harvesting.

It is used to make a very popular caffeinated drink. It has an intense bitter roasted aroma. The coffee tree produces its first fruits as early as 3 years after planting, while reasonable yields can be expected from 6 years after planting. It then provides a harvest for about 25-35 years. The berry contains 2-3 coffee beans (seeds). Fresh coffee beans are green, odourless and tasteless. They contain caffeic and chlorgenic acid (classified as antioxidants) and caffeine (an alkaloid that naturally stimulates the central nervous system and heart activity), minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese and iron).

Roasting gives green coffee beans their typical aroma and taste. Roasting takes place in special machines using hot air and constant mixing of the grains. By grinding and adding water, the world-famous drink - coffee - is prepared from roasted beans.

The so-called soluble or instant coffee is a dried powder made by extracting ground coffee beans.

Coffee is the second most important trade commodity after oil, and the Arabian coffee plant accounts for up to 70% of the world's coffee production.


✅Caffeine is used in medicine as an ingredient in analgesic and antipyretic mixtures that reduce fever.

✅It is used to stimulate breathing and blood circulation in fevers and infectious diseases.

✅It is also used as an antidote for alcohol or other drug poisoning.

✅The antioxidant effects of coffee beans are also used in the cosmetic and perfume industry.

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