
Cinnamon is obtained from the bark of cinnamon trees. Some essential oils are made from the leaves or the fruit of these trees. There are multiple species based on where they occur, but their effects are quite similar.

Ceylon cinnamon or true cinnamon (cinnamomum zeylanicum/verum) is one and the same plant, it grows in Sri Lanka, Madagascar and Seychelles and is considered the best.

Chinese cinnamon (cinnamomum cassia) comes from China.

Indian cinnamon (c. tamale) from India,

Indonesian cinnamon (c. burmannii) from Indonesia

Vietnamese cinnamon (c. loureiroi) from Vietnam.

Cinnamon in undiluted form can strongly irritate the skin.

AROMA: It has a distinct spicy aroma, is very intensely warming and tastes slightly sweet.



✅It is used in aromatherapy, also as medicine, spice, flavouring, preservative and perfume.

✅Among its main functions is warming up, which relieves muscle tension, relieves pain, helps skin regeneration and also accelerates detoxification processes.

✅It has antiseptic and antibacterial effects, removes bad breath, helps in the fight against acne and also relieves diseases such as flu, digestive and respiratory problems.

✅Its aroma has an aphrodisiac effect.

✅Because of its unmistakable aroma, it has also found its place in the perfumery industry


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