
Dates are a sweet fruit that grows in abundant bunches on the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera). It is grown in many cultivars that produce yellow-brown, red to dark brown oval drupes 3 to 7 cm long and 2 to 3 cm wide, which are characterized by a low water content and, conversely, up to 70% carbohydrate content.

  Among the largest producers of dates in the world are Tunisia, Iraq, Egypt, Spain and Morocco, they are also grown in India, Pakistan, the Canary Islands and California, where they were spread by humans after the settlement of America.

✅Dates are a rich and important source of potassium, chlorine, iron and B vitamins.

✅It is a rich and fast energy source for the human organism.

✅In subtropical and desert areas such as North Africa and the Middle East, it is one of the basic components of local food.

✅Dates are mainly consumed dried, which improves their shelf life

✅they were widely used by Bedouins and caravans crossing inhospitable deserts.

✅In some cultures, dates are also believed to have aphrodisiac effects.

✅In Arab countries, dates are part of everyday cuisine, they are usually served pressed into a loaf called adshu or baked in butter.

✅In the cosmetic and perfume industry.

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