
The definition from wikipedia is:

A strawberry is the fruit of an achene on a succulent fleshy flower bed, growing on a strawberry tree. This mating of achenes creates a false fruit, the strawberry is a small fruit. Strawberries are a very rich source of vitamin C. Its content is comparable to citrus fruits.

The strawberry is one of the most popular garden fruits in the world. 

It is not really a berry in the botanical sense. Its unmistakable aroma is especially suitable for sweets.

However, cooks are increasingly adding this "queen of the garden" to savoury dishes. Strawberries have a high content of folic acid and important minerals. They are also rich in polyphenols, which are classified as antioxidants. Strawberries spoil relatively quickly, so they should not be stored for too long ( maximum two to three days).


✅Direct consumption

✅Food industry

✅Perfume industry

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