Solar notes

A very interesting word that you may come across and hear at the perfume counter is the word "sunny". Some perfumes are presented as having sunny accords or sunny tones, where this name describes an exotic, warm to radiant effect. Such warm and light harmonies are sought by perfumers to create fragrances reminiscent of a day at the beach, the scent of warm sand, sunscreen or salty wind. It is such an excellent captured atmosphere that the selection of beach inspired perfumes is wide.

Perfumes and perfumers speak their own language, using words like "chypre," "gourmet" and "petal" that have specialized meanings.

"Chypre" refers to a family of fragrances built on a combination of moss, flowers, patchouli and citrus.

When perfumers use the word "gourmand", it means a composition with the smell of vanilla, candy and caramel.

"Petal like" notes are a combination of chords that give the illusion of a touch of petals.


✅Perfume industry

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