
The ROSE is also called the 'queen of flowers' and is one of the most valuable flowers used in perfumery since the dawn of history.

Its aroma will win everyone's heart with its captivating, harmonizing and warming scent. Rose perfumes have a positive effect on mood improvement, slow down aging, but also act as a strong aphrodisiac.

Roses intended for perfume production are plucked at night because they have the most beautiful fragrance before dawn. From early times the Arabs used them in many of their perfumes.

Rose water was obtained by distilling rose petals. Therefore, they cultivated roses on a large scale, mainly in the territory of Iran, Iraq and Syria. Her popularity was enormous, she was called the queen of fragrant flowers.

Rose oil is obtained by re-distillation of rose water. It is used as the main ingredient in 75% of all premium women's perfumes and about 10% of men's perfumes. It is one of the most expensive and exclusive oils in perfumery. 3000 kg of rose petals are used for 1 kg of oil.

The largest rose areas are now in Bulgaria, followed by Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia and India.

Today, the most used and key type of rose for the production of rose oil is the Damask rose, which is grown mainly in Bulgaria, Iran and India. However, this type of rose has been used by the Arabs since ancient times, when they started exporting it to Europe as well.

Other well-known species include the Turkish rose and the century rose (whose scent caught the attention of a perfume maker in Grasse).

There are about 17 types of rose scents, some are similar to musk, myrrh or violet

Aroma: The scent of roses is a relaxing and restorative fragrance as it encourages us to breathe deeply and slowly. The scent of a rose can be fresh and spicy, luxurious and sexy, soft and sweet.

✅Today, the cosmetic and perfume industry cannot even imagine perfumes without the wonderful aroma of "rose".

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