
Petitgrain comes from the twigs and leaves of the bitter orange tree (Citrus aurantium var. amara), where the essential oil (EO), known as petitgrain, is obtained by steam distillation. This name comes from French and means small grain. Originally, EO was obtained from the small, unripe fruits of the tree. EO is used in aromatherapy and as a cosmetic ingredient.

Aroma: of petitgrain is deep, sweet, fruity and woody. Petitgrain essential oil should not be taken internally. Due to its strong concentration, as is the case with all essential oils, even petitgrain should not be used undiluted on the skin, otherwise it can cause an allergic reaction. 


✅It is added to perfumes and personal care products intended for problematic skin and hair care, especially for hair with dandruff.

✅Petitgrain essential oil is used for digestive disorders.

✅It was formerly taken as an antidote against poisonous stings or bites. Fabrics repelled moths were impregnated with it.

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