Narcissus is an ornamental plant with a typical yellow colour that comes from the Mediterranean. Some varieties come from China and Central Asia.
It has an opulent floral scent with hints of hay and tobacco. The narcissus, which we know because of its flowering, is associated with the Easter season. It has been bred into an incredible 25,000 species.
History: The first mentions of daffodils come from ancient Rome in the 3rd century BC. Middle Eastern culture worships the daffodil as a symbol of love and devotion. However, in the Western world, narcissus means vanity and self-love.
Ancient legends even tell the story of the narcissus. The handsome young man Narkiss constantly observed his beauty in the reflection of the water surface. A little further away, a forest nymph who was unhappily in love was always secretly following him. However, Narkissis (lat. Narcissus) did not return her love due to self-absorption. One day Narkissis, while viewing his image on the surface of the water, slipped and was swallowed by the water. The goddess of love, Aphrodite, then turned him into a yellow flower near the fatal shore as punishment for his unrequited love for a forest nymph and his self-love.
Aroma: The name of this plant is related to its scent "narcissus" an intoxicating flower. Despite its coloured flowers (most often yellow), the narcissus is classified as a white flower for its scent, it has an intensely spicy scent with an earthy, heavy, honeyed undertone with a sweet, dry undertone.
✅Narcissus essential oil is mainly used to make perfumes
✅Narcissus is used to complete and perfect the scent
✅It has therapeutic effects.